
Active support from friends like you allows Saint Peter’s to connect to the community around us, serving everyone in our vast and diverse city.


We are grateful for your generosity, your trust, and most importantly, your commitment to our mission to creatively shape life in New York City.

Your tax-deductible gifts enable Saint Peter’s mission and ministry to flourish. Thank you!

Funds and Appeals


Saint Peter’s is a vibrant community made better by those who support it. With multiple ways to support and enrich the mission of Saint Peter’s, you are encouraged to consider areas that match your own personal commitments. The funds below support everything from providing food, supplies, and immigration services to communities in need, to remembering loved ones, and rebuilding the facility at Saint Peter’s.

Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

Mutual Aid Fund

For the Future Capital Campaign



Parish Life


Throughout the church year the support of the community provides flowers or decorations for festival days or invite others into intentional prayer with the Tree of Light.

Easter Flower Fund

Tree of Light


Special Funds


With generous and thoughtful giving, Saint Peter’s has been able to establish a number of funds with intentions that honor and memorialize persons and programs in our community. These funds are all established through action by the Parish Council and are kept in a long-term investment account. This is for the intent of preserving and protecting these assets while allowing them to grow through reinvested income and market appreciation.

Ways to Give

  • Visit here to give an undesignated gift towards the operations of Saint Peter’s Church. If you want to support a particular cause, use the links above to find the appeal or fund you wish to support. Through any of these individual pages, you may choose a one-time gift or a recurring gift on a schedule.

  • Checks can be made out to “Saint Peter’s Church” and mailed to 619 Lexington Avenue; New York, NY 10022. If you would like to designate your gift to a fund or appeal, please note this on the memo line or with an enclosed letter.

  • Many employers will match your charitable donation, thereby doubling or tripling your giving. Some corporations will also offer a volunteer grant, where a financial gift is made in response to the number of hours volunteered. Check with your employer and reach out to with questions.

  • Make a gift through a donor advised fund or a charitable distribution Use Saint Peter Church’s EIN number, 13-1656685, to route your gift. Contact for further details or to let us know to anticipate your gift.

  • Individuals wishing to make a gift of stock should work with their broker to complete appropriate transfer authorization forms for a charitable gift of stock. For additional details, contact

  • Including Saint Peter's Church in your will or revocable trust is one of the easiest ways to make a planned gift. A bequest simply is a statement in your estate plans that expresses your wish to give all or part of your assets to a loved one or charity, such as Saint Peter's, upon your death. You can stipulate exactly how and when your gift is to be used and create a truly meaningful legacy at Saint Peter's.

    The staff of Saint Peter's welcomes the opportunity to work with you and your attorney to plan a bequest gift that is meaningful to you as well as supportive of Saint Peter's mission and needs. If you have any questions, please contact

    • Types of Bequests

      • General-Purpose Bequest: An outright, general-purpose bequest in your will or trust is most valuable to Saint Peter's, as it gives us the greatest flexibility to use your gift where it is most needed. You may designate either a fixed dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or a particular asset such as real estate.

        • Sample general purpose bequest provision: I hereby give to St. Peter's Lutheran Church of Manhattan, a not-for-profit corporation located at 619 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022, the sum of $____ [or ____% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate] for its general purposes.

      • Designated Bequest: You also may make a designated bequest to support a specific program. 

        • Sample Provision for a Designated Bequest: I hereby give to St. Peter's Lutheran Church of Manhattan, a not-for-profit corporation located at 619 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022, the sum of $____ [or ____% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate] to be used for [describe purpose].

      • Permanent Endowment: In planning your gift, you may specify that your bequest be made available for Saint Peter's immediate use or, conversely, that it be placed in an existing or new endowed fund that is permanently invested by Saint Peter's and generates annual income for the purpose you specify.

        • Sample bequest provision creating an endowment fund: I hereby give to St. Peter's Lutheran Church of Manhattan, a not-for-profit corporation located at 619 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022, the sum of $___ [or ___% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate] to establish [name of endowment fund], an endowed fund to support (describe purpose).

        Please bear in mind that a new endowed fund should be of a size that will generate meaningful support each year for the named purpose. Saint Peter's gift acceptance policy requires a minimum of $50,000 in order to establish a separate endowment fund.

      Feasibility Clause

      Over a long period of time, Saint Peter's programs or departments may change to such an extent that we cannot use your bequest under your original restriction. Adding the following provision allows us to honor your original intent as closely as possible:

      • If Saint Peter's, in its sole judgment, determines that the original intent is no longer feasible, Saint Peter's may use my gift and the income therefrom for such related purposes as, in its sole judgment, will most nearly fulfill the original intent.

  • If you would like to encourage others to contribute to Saint Peter’s in memory of a loved one, we recommend sharing something similar to the following: 

    • As a dedicated member, it was [Name]’s wish that gifts be made in his/her/their memory to Saint Peter’s Church. Visit or mail to Saint Peter’s Church, 619 Lexington Ave; New York, NY 10022. Please be sure to indicate the gift is in memory of [Name]. 

    Gifts can be directed to a specific fund or received towards general operations. You can be notified of every gift received in your loved one’s name in the form of a letter or email; To arrange for this or for other questions, please email


Frequently Asked Question and Answers

  • Saint Paul puts it better than any other theologian: 

    “...the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do as each has made up in their mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

    “You will be enriched in every way for great generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.”

    — 2 Corinthians 9:6&7, 11

  • Pledges help to support our organization by helping us to anticipate future giving. Typically pledges are for a 1 to 3 year period.

    While we will offer pledge forms for things like our annual Stewardship Campaign or the For the Future Capital Campaign, you can make a pledge towards any designation through a letter mailed to Saint Peter’s Church, 619 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10022 or emailed to

  • Pledges are made for 1, 2, or 3 year time periods. Payment is expected before December 31 of your selected time period.

  • While none of us knows for sure what the future will bring, experience shows that 95% do keep their pledges. If an unusual circumstance forces you to change your financial commitment to the Church, all that we ask is a brief note be sent to revising your pledge. You do not have to give your reason.

  • Recurring gifts are made through online donation forms. Changes can be made by emailing with the amount or schedule you wish to amend your gift to. If preferred, we can also cancel a current recurring gift for you to set up a new one in case of changed card or banking information.

  • Yes. Unless otherwise noted, all gifts to Saint Peter’s are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult with a tax professional regarding proper handling on your tax return. You will receive a giving report in January listing all of your charitable contributions to Saint Peter’s Church for the prior calendar year. If you would like a copy via email, please contact

  • We welcome gifts in tribute to loved ones. Many of our online donation forms will have sections for you choose to make such a tribute and indicate anyone whom you would like to be notified of this gift. You may also include these details within the comment section of these forms.

    If you make your gift through a different method, please be sure to indicate these details in a note with your gift.

If your question is not answered here, please contact